Megan Trapp Signs as First AFCAA Women's Player


Association Football Club Ann Arbor are proud to announce their first women’s player in club history, Megan Trapp.  The Plymouth native will be joining The Mighty Oak after a successful collegiate career at Eastern Michigan University, and brings her experience of previously playing in the United Women’s Soccer national league.

Since finishing her collegiate playing days, Trapp has now added coaching to her resume as she will be entering her 4th year as an assistant at Concordia University Ann Arbor this fall, in addition to her youth coaching duties with local Ann Arbor youth club, Michigan Tigers.

Her role at the Michigan Tigers helped her forge a relationship with club director, and AFC Ann Arbor women’s head coach, Andy Pritchard. Trapp said, “The relationship I have with Pritch is great! My signing for AFC Ann Arbor came about because of my interest in playing during the summer in the area. He knew I had played in this league before, and now since a team is closer to my work and home, he knew I was interested in joining the team.” She added, “I am looking forward to representing the Ann Arbor community and am hoping that youth soccer players will come and enjoy the games.”

“We’re very excited to have Megan on the team this year. With her already having played in the UWS, she will not only bring leadership but her experience to the group,” said Andy Pritchard.

Trapp herself knows the impact this women’s team can have on the next generation of female players and that might just be the thing that excites her the most. “I am hoping I can give all of these girls the confidence to keep playing and loving the game. Knowing that I never thought there would be this type of opportunity for myself, I am hoping to show them that they can grow up playing the game they love even after college. This game is for all ages and I want to create a positive image for all female soccer players.”

“Playing for AFC Ann Arbor means a lot to be able to positively represent the community. I am hoping to meet new players, fans, youth players, and more of the community. It is very exciting to be apart of a club that takes pride in their community!” added Trapp.

The community impact and lasting effect she’ll be able to make with her teammates this summer is a definite driver for Trapp, but she also hopes to find success on the pitch setting her sights high saying, “This summer I would love to be able to take this team to the league championship game. I am hoping we have a good group of girls who invest time into the team and be able to compete at the top of the conference.”

To hear more from Megan, be sure to listen to the newest episode of ‘Welcome to Tree Town’ set to drop this coming Thursday at 9AM.